Business Development

Typical Projects

Wind Power Business

Lusa Wind Power Plant in Shandong Province

Lusa wind power plant is the Group’s first wind power plant put into operation and has an installed capacity of 48MW. It locates in Wudi County, Binzhou City, Shandong Province, which is a coastal wind power plant close to the Bohai Sea with abundant wind resources. In 2017, it was awarded the title of AAAA Wind Power Plant by the national evaluation for wind power plant production and operation indicators. Meanwhile, Lusa wind power plant was also awarded the title of AAAA Wind Power Plant by the national evaluation for wind power plant production and operation statistical indicators in 2019.

Damao Distributed Wind Power Plants in Inner Mongolia

The Distributed Wind Power Projects locate in Damao, the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, and have three phases with a total capacity of 69MW. Inner Mongolia is rich in wind resources while facing high wind power curtailment issue. Nevertheless, the wind power generated by the projects has been fully purchased by the local power grid and there is no wind power curtailment issue in general. With these projects, the Group has accumulated experience in the investment, development and operation of distributed wind power projects, providing strong foundation for the Group’s future development of distributed wind power projects. The Distributed Wind Power Projects with three phases located in Damao was awarded the title of AAAAA Wind Power Plant by the national evaluation for wind power plant production and operation statistical indicators in 2019.